NIPT Disclaimer and Consent Form
SEE YOUR BABY LIMITED aim to provide each client with a unique experience by excelling your expectations of your NIPT SCREENING today.
A trans-abdominal scan is conducted as part of your NIPT testing by scanning via a probe over your stomach. During this scan the sonographer will obtain a catalogue of measurements to accompany your bloods to the clinic.
Verbal consent will be obtained prior to obtaining blood via a small blood test. It is this blood that will contain the important DNA of your baby and is needed to complete the test. Your sonographer will be extremely experienced in such techniques and will ensure this is completed as quickly yet as calmly as possible.
What we offer
You will be asked if you wish to know the sex of your baby … have a think!
Your results are expected around 7 business working days and your service provider will contact you with results.
A very small percentage of results can return inconclusive due to not enough DNA – at this stage we will need to repeat the blood test – be aware this is very rare but can happen.
Any inconclusive result even though rare – is refunded fully.
We have provided information around the safety of ultrasound.
This can be located in reception. Alternatively please ask a member of staff to assist you.
As a client of SEE YOUR BABY LIIMITED your privacy will be protected, and we support any friends or family to accompany you. The professional opinion of the sonographer in terms of the advised method of scan will be discussed and your consent for both vaginal and abdominal scans can be
indicated on your consent form. Verbal consent will be asked prior to any procedure. If at any point you feel uncomfortable and or wish to end your scan, please inform your sonographer immediately. The safeguarding of our clients is paramount, and we continually assess your needs and safety. We
abide by our rigorous risk assessments to ensure our duty of care follows local and national guidance in relation to safeguarding. Our safeguarding lead is Katie Adams who can be contacted on 0116 2895987 should you need for future reference, or our staff are happy to assist you with any concerns
Despite our services being non-diagnostic, we do refer clients to a hospital of choice for further scans and professional opinions. Any such scenario will be discussed at length, a full report provided and a 24-hour helpline to contact if further support be required prior to your appointment.
By signing your consent form, you are confirming you have read and understood the above and consent to SEE YOUR BABY conducting a NIPT scan during your appointment today.